Military Veterans Mental Health

Here at Basecamp we are happy to announce the development of a service more tailored to Mental Health support for veterans and those in the military.

We have a student counsellor on placement with us who is passionate about specialising in this area. With his background as a Royal Marine and experience from his time with the NHS Military Veterans Mental Health Service , he plans to pursue his research interest in complex trauma and attachment.

He will be available to offer counselling alongside our other students and qualified counsellors with the same sliding scale as on our
counselling service page. To self-refer please click the link to our form.

“Trauma in infancy, childhood or later in life is now thought of as the main cause of psychological distress.”  (Van der Kolk, 2015).
Think of our unconscious mind as a ‘ship’ sailing through life's seas. As we enter heavy seas, it’s important to make sure all the ‘snags’ and baggage are safely locked away and secured. As we sail through life’s storms, we don’t want items rolling around our deck. It’s these items, or rather our ‘snags’, that keep throwing us into distress. Similar to a ships’ crew during storms, our goal is to collaboratively secure these emotional and psychological burdens. By wandering around the main deck we can identify loose items, ‘give them a voice’ and stow them away in their proper lockers. Mental health is just doing the ‘admin’ (or ‘badmin’) of our minds. By addressing these rolling items, we aim to collaboratively create a smoother journey for your mind through life's seas.

'Latest available data shows that from April-November 2023, more than 4,500 referrals were made to the NHS service which provides specialist care, support and treatment to former Armed Forces personnel, reservists, and service leavers with mental health and wellbeing issues.
More than 30,000 referrals have been made to the veterans’ mental health and wellbeing ‘lifeline’ service since it was first launched by the NHS in 2017.
There are about 2.4 million veterans living in the UK.
A new survey of over 3,000 veterans and serving personal, carried out by NHS England, found that the majority (around 60%), of those who took part, said they found it difficult to ask for help for mental health issues.
For those who sought help, self-referral was the top method (around 44%).
More than half of respondents (52%) said they currently had, or had previously had, a mental health problem and 54% said they had a physical health problem now or had previously had one.'
Statistics taken from: NHS England » NHS expands mental health support for veterans with more than half saying it’s hard to speak up


Here at Basecamp we are always evolving and want to find the areas in society that most need the help,  and do our bit to make the difference. So if you need help, please don't hesitate and contact us, or click on the self-referral link.