Rewind Intervention

Trauma is an unpleasant and frightening event that can lead to a condition called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Many people will have the symptoms of PTSD but not have a diagnosis.

These symptoms include but are not limited to:
  • having thoughts about the event pop into your head and intrude on your day
  • not being able to remove these thoughts from your memory
  • trying to stop yourself getting upset when the thoughts pop into your head
  • the thoughts make it hard for you to sleep
  • you avoid places that remind you of the event and maybe feel numb when thinking about it
Traumatic events include, emotional, sexual and physical abuse, life threatening and life changing accidents, unexpected and frightening events and events that occur through a work role such as being in the military or 999 services; essentially anything that threatens your physical and/or psychological integrity. This includes events where you feel guilty about your role and don’t consider yourself a victim.

Nothing is too minor, it’s not about the event that has traumatised you but rather the distressing impact it has on your life.
If you’re not sure if you have a trauma that is affecting the quality for your life, ask yourself the following questions:

Have I experienced an event that I wouldn't wish on anyone else?
Have I experienced something that was really frighting that still affects me today?
Does it pop into my mind and cause me distress and anxiety and prevent me from enjoying life?

The Rewind is a technique which reduces the distressing impact of trauma. You won't need to tell the Rewind practitioner about your trauma to do the intervention. This is one of the most amazing things about this technique, that you never need disclose what your trauma is.

It usually takes one to two sessions to do the Rewind.

Some clients go on to have counselling at Basecamp but some just attend to do a Rewind. If you’re nervous about counselling because you don’t want to talk about or share your experiences with someone, then this technique is a safe way for you to address the symptoms that are adversely affecting your life.

The Rewind has a high success rate with all clients so far treated at Basecamp seeing a reduction in their symptoms.
At least 90% of clients who do the Rewind see their symptoms drop below the threshold of having life-limiting PTSD symptoms.

Contact us if you want to find out more or use the link to complete and submit a trauma questionnaire. We will get back to you by email to discuss your results and ask if you want to be booked in for a session.